NEWS: Making artistic portraits of devastating microbes
Two photographers calling themselves the “Eye of Science” have created an unusual library of images which are used for research, educational material and even as works of art.
The website of the UK’s Daily Mail newspaper has published a fascinating series of pictures–deadly microbes that have been magnified tens of thousands of times with a high-powered microscope and then digitally colored.
The photo above is of Borrelia burgdorferi, which causes Lyme disease, magnified 3650 times.
when i was 16 i broke out in an itchy red rash all over my body. I went to my pcp and he told me it was hives and to take benadryl. after about a week they subedisd and became tolerable but then i started getting the rash around my joints and having swelling and pain in my joints as well. my pcp then tested me for lyme on two separate occasions and they came back negative. he also sent me to a specialist to see if i had rhuematoid arthritis and nothing came of that. both dr.’s seemed perplexed by my symptoms. since then i have been living with these symptoms on and off. I am 26 now and for the past month i have been having moderate jiont pain in my fingers wrists and knees with no rash as well as feeling drained of energy. my question is .can you have lyme disease and have the test come back negative.