LymeDisease.org - Advocating nationally for quality accessible healthcare for patients with Lyme disease
LymeDisease.org: education, advocacy and research for Lyme disease
Do You Have Lyme Disease?
LYME TIMES Remembering Pat Smith VIEW LYME TIMES ISSUE LymeTimes WINTER 2024 DO YOU HAVE Many people with Lyme disease are misdiagnosed. The Lyme Disease Symptom Checklist helps you document exposure to Lyme disease and common symptoms for your physician. You will receive a report to take to your next doctor’s appointment. CHECK YOUR SYMPTOMS LYME DISEASE? LymeDisease.org
Member Community
FIND OUT MORE Become a member and help us advocate for change, raise awareness and fund research that can improve patients’ lives. When you join, you’ll gain access to materials you won’t find anywhere else. JOIN
IMAGINE A WORLD where people with Lyme disease are diagnosed and treated correctly and go back to living their lives. Add your Lyme data to MyLymeData to help find a cure for Lyme disease. COUNT ME IN
We work to make the patient voice stronger, to support patient-centered research, to create legislative change, and to create a future where Lyme patients can receive the treatments they need to get well. DONATE TODAY Your donations make this possible. We work to make the patient voice stronger, to support patient-centered research, and to create a future where Lyme patients can receive the treatments they need to get well. This holiday season, support the organization that supports you. This holiday season, support the organization that supports you.
Lyme Basics
Lyme Disease Symptom Checklist
The Lyme Times
Find A Lyme Disease Physician

MyLymeData Viz – Featured Blog

Blog helps visualize information from MyLymeData

Over 18,000 patients have enrolled in MyLymeData, pooling their health history, symptoms, and treatments so we can all learn from their experiences. The MyLymeData Viz blog shares these results as they become available.

We aim to help you visualize the information from MyLymeData in a way that makes it more useful to you and your doctors.

Latest From Our Blogs News / Lyme Policy Wonk / Touched By Lyme / LymeSci / Focus / Lyme Awareness

Lyme Disease Calendar of Events

Sat 22

LYME-A-PALOOZA music festival in South Carolina

March 22 @ 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Stand with us. Be part of a community that cares.

Don’t miss the latest issue of the Digital Lyme Times!

In honor of Lyme Disease Awareness Month and our 35th Anniversary, the latest issue of the Lyme Times is open-access–freely available to all.

View some of the articles below:

You will also find prior issues of the Lyme Times, as well as new key resources. If your current membership level includes videos, you can now access those videos online. Resources include a physician directory to help you find a Lyme-literate physician in your area.

Please use the buttons below to explore the members’ site and all of the LymeTimes issues.

Member Benefits Include

Online Access To
LymeTimes Archives

The Lyme Times features articles about Lyme disease diagnostic guidelines, stages of disease progression, alternative treatments, advancements in research, political action updates, and first-person stories written by patients living with Lyme disease.
Online Access To
Special Issues

Explore topics that matter most to patients and their families. Lyme Times’ special edition issues provide in-depth coverage on a variety of topics, including tick-borne diseases in children and adolescents, integrative medicine, and insurance challenges.
Lyme Disease
Member Resources

A comprehensive database of Lyme disease resources covering insurance and disability, treatment guidelines, healthcare policy, and links to helpful organizations, support groups and publications.
Leading Lyme Disease
Physician Videos

LymeDisease.org members enjoy exclusive access to view and download a select group of educational videos featuring physicians who specialize in Lyme and associated tick-borne diseases. Presentations are available based on membership level.
Lyme Disease
Physician Directory

Find a Lyme disease specialist. The LymeDisease.org Physician Directory lists Lyme disease specialists throughout the country trained in diagnosing and treating tick-borne diseases.