LYMEPOLICYWONK: Dr. Paul Duray Resigns from IDSA Panel Due to Family Illness–Implications unknown
The IDSA panel list has been revised to reflect the fact that Dr. Paul Duray has resigned from the panel. The IDSA does not post this type of information as a stand-alone announcement. Instead, they revise their prior notices. So you have to keep a close watch on their website for changes. What they did was add to his listing the following: Resigned from the Panel on October 7, 2009, due to a family illness. I am sure that everyone’s heart goes out to Dr. Duray and we wish him and his family the best during this trying time. Let’s light a candle for Dr. Duray and his family.
In terms of the panel, this means that there are now only 8 members. It seems likely this will delay the process and that a decision will not be reached by the end of December as anticipated. The IDSA has acknowledged that the decision will not occur until “shortly after the first of the year” , but the specific timeframe is unknown.
You can contact Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA with any comments or questions at
My prayers go out to Dr. Duray and his family.
Thanks for keeping us informed Lorraine and may 2010 be the turning point for all of us.