Federal government stonewalls request for Lyme information
Four years ago, the producers of the Lyme documentary UNDER OUR SKIN submitted a Freedom of Information Act request asking for certain information related to Lyme disease. That request is still unanswered. Read what the filmmakers have to say about this.
Read the UNDER OUR SKIN blog:
Incompetence is always an issue, but when governments stonewall for so long they are clearly hiding their guilt. This is the action of guilty parties and/or their allies.
Considering the well-known abuses of the military establishment, Lyme disease being an unintentional consequence of bio-warfare research is the most likely suspect, abetted by the health insurance industry's natural desire to avoid payouts whenever possible. Thank you for your perseverance in attempting to throw light into this ugly dungeon.
Why does this not surprise me? Because it is the same thing we have all been dealing with since we have each became even a little bit familiar with this disease and its history! Each of my children were tested and were higher than my LLMD had ever seen! The cdc took a year to call me and ask questions about ONE of my children. I asked about my other son and I and she just said this was all the patients names she got to ask me about. All of us being cdc positive. I never got another call about it! I know of 20 people that were diagnosed the same year I was and the records for cases in my state didn't even equal that! This is a bunch of BS! Can we get this information to the news? Congress? A petition? We HAVETO DO SOMETHING!
I hope you have contacted your congress person.All members of congress have staff whose job it is to help constituents with problems related to the fed-gov. I have called twice (never about foia though)and had problems resolved very quickly. If you haven't tried this route it's worth a try.
Good luck, we need some answers about this.