To TBDWG: “The CDC has propagated a false Lyme disease narrative”
Carl Tuttle delivered the following public comments to the federal Tick-Borne Disease Working Group on July 19. He later supplied us with footnotes to include along with his remarks.
My verbal comment today is a follow-up to my written public comment regarding the CDC’s refusal to recognize the disabling stage of Lyme disease.
I would like to point out that maternal-fetal transmission of Lyme disease was identified in 1985 by Dr. Allen Steere 1 but has gone unrecognized by the IDSA, CDC and NIH until the Patient Centered Care Advocacy Group last year demanded that the Infectious Diseases Society of America remove its false statement that Lyme is only transmitted by a tick. 2
The NIH has now issued a series of notices to encourage investigators to apply for grants 36 years after congenital Lyme disease was first identified. A Lyme-treating physician here in NH has told me that they are seeing Lyme disease in generations of patients.
Need for new treatments
There has been no new treatment for Lyme disease in that same time frame, except from those on the front lines who are witnessing the devastation first hand.
Dr. Horowitz has published success with dapsone combination therapy. 3 Dr. Liegner has published success with “repurposing” disulfiram in the treatment of Lyme disease and babesiosis.4
[Some] physicians who treated Lyme disease with long-term antibiotics have lost their license to practice because they questioned the official narrative.
Many states have passed laws to protect these clinicians from being harassed by state medical boards. We have witnessed the same response with early treatment for COVID. Long-term antibiotics would give the public a reason not to take a Lyme vaccine, just as early COVID treatment with ivermectin gave the public a choice to opt out of the experimental jab.
In 2003, Texas physicians Harvey and Salvato tested their chronically ill patients for Lyme disease via CDC Western blot criteria, finding all patients positive for the infection in a state where the prevalence of Lyme-infected ticks is only about 1-2%. 5
“No history of bull’s-eye rash or illness following tick bite was reported by these patients.” The CDC defines “Lyme disease” exclusively as a zoonotic illness. Congenital and gestational transfer cases have been disregarded for reasons not evident to us.”
Where are the studies?
Where are the studies for sexually transmitted Lyme disease and why has this mode of transmission been completely ignored for three decades?
What is the point of all this you might ask? It is quite obvious that there has been a concerted effort to control the narrative through suppression of the truth, facts and scientific references.
As mentioned in my written public comment, 6 the only action item we have in the pipeline after thirty years is a vaccine fast-tracked by the FDA in 2017. 7
Since all of the eggs have been put into the vaccine basket, it would appear that our health agencies are in the shot business with annual revenue of $4.3 billion from the sales and patent royalties.
A chronic relapsing seronegative disease doesn’t fit the vaccine model so deny the chronically infected and your patents for vaccines and diagnostic technology continue to reap patent royalties.
The federal watchdog is no more. People suffering and dying and for what? Lyme for Profit.
The CDC has propagated a false Lyme disease narrative for decades and to this day refuses to recognize the disabling stage of Lyme disease. Wake up America!
Carl Tuttle, a longtime Lyme patient advocate from New Hampshire, has served on the state’s Commission to Study Lyme Disease.
1 Congenital Transmission of Lyme
2 Advocate asks IDSA to remove false statement about Lyme transmission
3 Dr. Horowitz In Vivo Dapsone Combination Therapy Study Published
4 “Repurposing” Disulfiram in the Treatment of Lyme Disease and Babesiosis
5 ‘Lyme disease’: ancient engine of an unrecognized borreliosis pandemic?
6 Written Public Comment – July 19-20, 2022 Meeting
7 Lyme vaccine fast-tracked by the FDA in 2017
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