TOUCHED BY LYME: Girl’s Lyme “dream” goes viral
Lyme disease advocacy can come in all shapes and sizes.
In January, a third-grade class in Mankato, Minnesota, learned about Martin Luther King, Jr. and his famous “I have a dream” speech.
In his honor, their teacher asked the children to draw pictures illustrating their own dreams for making the world a better place.
Nine-year-old Lizzy Erickson knew right away what her dream was—a cure for Lyme disease, so that her mom could finally feel better.
I learned about Lizzy’s dream when her mom sent a picture of it via’s Facebook page. I re-posted it so all of our readers could see it. Then, things took off! Not only was it liked and shared by hundreds of people on our page, it got picked up by other Lyme advocacy sites as well.
The next day, “Real Housewife” Yolanda Hadid posted it on Twitter, which also brought a flurry of likes and retweets.
Then, Lizzy’s local newspaper did an article. Followed by her local TV station.
Suddenly, even though she hadn’t planned it that way, Lizzy was speaking to a much broader audience than she’d ever imagined.
Thank you, Lizzie, for demonstrating how one person–even a little girl who only wants her mom to get well–can help bring an important message to the world.
TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland,’s VP for Education and Outreach. She is co-author of When Your Child Has Lyme Disease: A Parent’s Survival Guide. Contact her at
Thank you so much! Lyme you give us hope, your give us inspiration and so much more! thank you!
Went undiagnosed for over 20 nightmarish years . I was not listened to. ..I was not heard. ..I was branded CRAZY and LIAR. ..I was DYING of Lyme Disease. ..but nobody knew. …
i have a pic of my son making a wish on a dandelion – his wish was for his mommy to be well. since then dandelions are our symbol of hope and a cure. i wish i could share the pic with you. it is incredible.
If you have it in digital form, you can email it to us:
Can you please share what you son drew, I would love to share it with my daughter LIZZY who wrote this, as well share it on our FB Lyme group Lyme Disease our Voice!
Thank you Lizzy for your wish which touched so many lives. it could very well be an innocent child who could change the world for her mother and many other mothers and families so touched by Lyme. God bless.