Good job, Massachusetts! Working together for change would like to acknowledge a remarkable feat—enactment of mandated insurance coverage for Lyme disease treatment in Massachusetts.
Passage of H4491 showed how advocacy groups, activists, Lyme patients, and their supporters can work with legislators to bring about real change.
Special thanks to Bay Staters who phoned the Governor and lawmakers, and used our Voter Voice tool to send over 4100 emails in the last days of the session.
Three cheers for everybody who helped!
Now, how do we get this to go federal? So people who live in all states can get help-I live in Indiana and they won’t even treat my recent tick bite because they don’t believe it exists- even though I’ve already got late stage neuroborreliosis and coinfections and got the bite in pa – awaiting disability hearing since 2913-and destitute
We NEED EVERY state to follow suit~!!
How do we make this happen?
20+ year Chronic Lyme Survivor