NEWS: Massachusetts gov signs Lyme doctor protection bill
This photo was taken at the Boston State House on June 30, 2010, just after Governor Duval Patrick signed the 2011 Massachusetts state budget, which includes an amendment which will protect physicians who treat Lyme disease for longer than 30 days. The bill is similar to physician protection legislation which was passed in Connecticut last year. From left to right: Back row: Susan Fairbank-Pitzer, Donna Castle (advocates), Rep. Robert Hargraves (Groton) Front row: Robin LeMieux (advocate), Dr. Jacqueline Luz-Ruiz, Governor Duval Patrick, Dr. Sheila Statlender, Jayme Kulesz (advocate). Congratulations and a big thank you to the Massachusetts advocates for doing such a great job!
Great job! This is encouraging to read. Hopefully something like this will pass in Missouri (unless it has and I'm not ware).
This is the good news!! This disease has been so difficult on every level imaginable, physically, diagnostically,and financially. I feel as though a great needed justice has happened, and there is hope! Thank you Governor Duval Patrick, Representative Hargrave, Donna Castle, Robin LeMieux, Dr. Luz-Ruiz, Dr. Statlander, Jamie Kulesz, and Susan Fairbank-Fitzer. A personal Thank You Donna and Robin, for all your unwavering efforts; for such a long time, and for so many of us. Your efforts will make a huge difference, for myself and so many others! Really, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.