TOUCHED BY LYME: Easy way to ask your Representative for Lyme funding
Lyme activists from throughout the country–in concert with the Center for Lyme Action–have been stepping up to advocate for increased federal funding for Lyme disease.
Now there’s a simple way for YOU to add your voice. It will truly take only a moment of your time.
Our current task is to ask our representatives to sign-on to appropriations letters from the House Lyme Disease Caucus. The caucus is a bipartisan group working together in Congress to take action on Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.
Here’s the easy part
All you have to do is click here to access the Center for Lyme Action’s campaign on Free Roots, a platform that helps people make their views known to government officials.
You enter your address, so the system will know which lawmaker to send the letter to. Then, right before your eyes, you’ll see the pre-written message materialize–directed to your Congressional representatives. You just have to click “go”–and you’re done.
If you have a Twitter account, you can tell Free Roots to send a tweet to your representative as well.
Please do this ASAP, because the letter closes on Friday, April 23.
You can read the two Lyme Caucus letters for the House here – one for the Labor HHS Appropriations Subcommittee and one for the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee.
CLA co-founder Bonnie Crater notes that the Lyme Caucus letters only include three of her organization’s six appropriations requests for this year.
“But never fear! ” she commented. “This is a process. Following your action on the Lyme Caucus requests, we will send our own letters directly to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees urging support for all six Center for Lyme Action requests. Stay tuned!”
TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland,’s Vice-president and Director of Communications. She is co-author of When Your Child Has Lyme Disease: A Parent’s Survival Guide. Contact her at
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