TOUCHED BY LYME: Here’s my tweet to the president. What’s yours?
President Barack Obama is holding a Twitter Town Hall on Wednesday, July 6, at 2 pm eastern time.
The public is invited to tweet questions to President Obama about the economy and jobs, and he will tweet his responses. Since Twitter messages are limited to 140 characters, it keeps things short and sweet.
Here’s my message to the President:
Untold 1000s are denied access to Lyme treatment by IDSA & CDC, hurting families & the economy. Please fix this. #AskObama
Every day, I hear from Lyme patients who are denied proper medical care for their illness based on the asinine treatment guidelines promulgated by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (a private organization) and embraced by the Centers for Disease Control (an arm of the US government).
Following directives from these two groups, doctors tell these patients that either they aren’t actually sick (hello?) or if they do have Lyme, a short course of antibiotics will cure it.
Receiving little or no medical treatment, people with Lyme disease get sicker and sicker, often losing their jobs, their houses, and their marriages in the process. Children with Lyme often miss a lot of school, and may require costly services to deal with disabilities and cognitive impairments arising from untreated or undertreated Lyme disease. Pregnant women with Lyme can unwittingly pass it on to the unborn, saddling the future generation with both physical and financial burdens.
All this is a tremendous drain on the nation’s economy and well-being.
Mr. President, you can fix this. Have the CDC look at Lyme disease from a broader view than its IDSA-supplied blinders currently allow. Many significant, peer-reviewed scientific studies are currently being suppressed or ignored by the IDSA, and consequently, the CDC. This doesn’t serve the cause of having healthy citizens or a healthy economy.
Click here to tweet your own message to the president. (Remember, couch it in terms of the economy and jobs.)
The TOUCHED BY LYME blog is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland, CALDA’s VP for Education and Outreach. Contact her at
Maliciously prosecuted in Montana for having and reporting the very lst cases of Lyme disease in the hisotry of the state of Montana (a coverup). A protective mother/knowledgeable RN with known Lyme related neurological disability of my minor daughter and myself – faced with unlawful governmental interference of healthcare, with unlawful taking of: life (parental and civil rights), liberty (right of choice of qualified healthcare providers without prosecution), property ("intentional" taking of real and personal property for health, safety, welfare and access to the courts), privacy under (HIPAA), dignity and respect – denied due process and just compensation by the state, with deprivation of rights (42 U.S.C. 1983) under 1st (retaliation for opposing disability discrimination), 4th (unlawful search and seizure), 5th (arrest/incarcertaion and Involuntary Committment, w/ self-incrimination and double jeopardy), 6th, 8th (w/ brutal cruel ill-treatment (mental and physical torture), 11th (without immunity by the state under (HIPAA) and (ADA) federal law) the 14th Amendment/Equal Opportunity of Protection Clause, with unlawful Discrimination, Abusive Harassment and Malicious Retaliation under (ADA) of 1973, 2008, Title I, I, III, IV, V (w/ Retaliation) under Section 504 Rehabilitation, including deprivation of rights of services by Montana Vocational Rehab, intentionally forced "indigent and homeless" by The Montana (DPHHS), The Montana Department of Labor and Industry and the Montana District and Supreme Court -"intetnionally" denied procedural and substantive due process, and thus, with rights to claim, forced to rot and die from complications of chronic Lyme disease and co-infections acquired in Montana, prosecuted for false-fabricated "Delusional-Somatoform" "None of her, or her daughtes physical symptoms have ever been substantiated by any physicians. She is a harm to herself, her children and others. She is gravely disabled. Intentionally, found probale cause for Involuntary Committment to the Montana State Mental Hospital for up to (90) days or more, as determined by the courts.
I, and other Montanans that acquire and seriously suffer from "intentionally" misdiagnosed, and untreated, then chronic debilitating (neurological)and (systemic) Lyme disease and co-infections need your HELP and JUSTICE in Federal Court!!! I have two minor daughters since age 3, and other since age 8 suffering from chronic Lyme disease and co-infections due to "intentional" misdiagnoses of tick bites with (CDC)-Lyme definitive Erythema Migrans rashes followed by progressive systemic complications, further also documented by out of state Lyme/Assoc. Disease Specialists, most-likely acquired transplacentally from their infected birthmother, the most likely cause of her daughters (motor neuron neurological)disability."
My two young daughters and myself Western Blots are Centers for Disease Control (CDC)-confirmed very positive (IgM) and (IgG) with related disability under (ADA) while (IDSA)'referred' ELISA tests by the (CDC) and Mayo Clinic, during the same time, were very negative.
How many Americans experience debilitating pain and suffering, stress and depression – due to the known Lyme-Borrelia (coverup)- d/t alleged "intentional" malpractice and misdiagnoses of progressive acute and chronic neurological, cardiac, neuro-musculoskeletal and other known systemic complications of Lyme-neuroborreliosis (systemic spirochete pathological bacterial infection, similar to Syphilis), causing damage to major organs, the brain, eyes, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, neuromusculoskeletal system, immune and endocrine system, costing our livlihoods, lives, taxpayers' and our federal government billions and billions of dollars every year – alleged for profits of (Managed Care Insurance Companies) and (BIG PHARMA) self-gain – with right to claim class action for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief for alleged "intentional" antiquated and insensitive (CDC)-ELISA surveillance testing, further denied prompt and proper antibiotic treatment for suspected tick bites, in prevention of serious neurological and long-term health consequences by federally-funded entities, Emergency Rooms, Urgent Care Clinics, and other, under power and control of the (CDC) and Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) –
Power/Control- for alleged commercialism, stockholders' pocketbooks, and ideas and political beliefs – deemed more important than promoting public health and crippling innocent children's lives without voices in the USA!
With Deprivation of human, civil, and constitutional rights under (42 U.S.C. 1983) and (ADA) Title I, II, III, IV, and V Section (504) Rehabilitation – with unlawful Discrimination/victimization(injury), Abusive Harassment and Retaliation, with unlawful taking of: life, liberty, and property, without due process, under the 14th Amendment/Equal Opportunity of Protection Clause, under state and federal law.
"No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, and property, without due process under the 4th and 14th Amendments of the US Constitution."
Need investigation, justice and health care reform for a "pattern of practice' of "flagrant and grevious harm" due to (HIPAA) violations, Medicaid Fraud and patient abuse, with unlawful-Discrimnationm, Harassment and Retaliation under federally "protected-classes" and (ADA) federal law on behalf of Lyme and Associated Disease health care professionals and patients, as a "protected class of individuals"
denied privacy, dignity, respect, privileges, benefits, rights of equal opportunity, accommodations and immunities under state and federal laws.