TOUCHED BY LYME: Los Angeles Lymewalk included art & poetry
An artist/Lyme survivor named Marc brought his easel to the LA Lymewalk and made caricature sketches of participants. This one is of event co-leader Tracey Silver. Tracey also wrote a poem for the occasion.
by Tracey Silver
There is no reason
Thru any season
To suffer from Lyme;
A Day in the Life
As sharp as a knife
With no cure, we endure
A life impure.
We meet here today
As we have so much to say;
There is no reason
Thru any season
To suffer from Lyme.
As we walk, we must talk,
To take a stance
It is our only chance;
To live a life,
That is free to be.
Amoxy, Doxy, Rocephine
And more;
Drugs, Drugs, Drugs
Still not sure
Maybe someday a possible cure?
Hazy, Crazy, Lazy
No Insurance?
Pay me!
Thru Every Season
Tick Tick Tick
Sick Sick Sick;
I want to be free
Can’t you see?
Thru Every Season
Rife, Strife, Life
Cut me open with a knife;
Pic line, sick line, help line
Can somebody please
Give me a sign!
Is there a reason
Thru every season
To suffer from Lyme?
We must have hope
In order to cope;
A day in the life
There is no reason
Thru any season
To suffer from Lyme.
I am touched by your poem. Thank you for sharing it with me. I've been fighting Lyme Infections for a decade. As the venom from the infection devastates my once strong and healthy body and sense of well being. Your words moved me as my eyes filled with tears reading your words. As we band together, I hope one day soon… we will move the medical community to wake up, open their eyes and minds and join us in the fight for a cure. Lyme Disease and its co-infections is serious and needs the attention and treatment like any other infection. How much more suffering will it take for the medical community to say with us…enough!
I take my my medication from an uninsured Lyme Specialist and hope that I will recover in the months ahead. I look forward to the day when this disease is taken seriously and we are given the proper care and support and much needed medical intervention that is sorely needed.