Are there other ways to protect myself and my family?
Reduce ticks on your property by:
- pruning trees
- clearing brush
- removing litter
- mowing grass short, and letting it dry thoroughly between waterings.
- Move shrubbery and overgrowth farther away from areas frequented by people.
From The Tick Management Handbook.
Make your property unattractive to animals that are hosts to ticks by:
- eliminating birdfeeders, birdbaths and salt licks;
- erecting fencing around the property;
- clearing away woodpiles, garbage and leaf piles;
- removing stonewalls that provide homes to wildlife.
- having your property chemically treated.
Seek professional advice before applying chemicals to kill ticks. Carefully-timed applications increase effectiveness.
The Tick Management Handbook is a guide for homeowners, pest control operators and public health officials from the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. It provides information on ticks, diseases, personal protection, prevention, how to prepare your landscape and chemical controls. Click here to download it.