TOUCHED BY LYME: Post a #FaceMaskSelfie during #CoronaWithLyme month
For the last five years, the international grassroots social media campaign known as the “Lyme Disease Challenge” has urged us to “Take A Bite Out of Lyme.”
You may remember lots of pictures on Facebook and Twitter of celebrities, politicians, and ordinary folks scrunching up their faces as they suck on sour limes to help bring awareness to Lyme disease.
Alas, this year COVID-19 has stolen center stage.
However, awareness of Lyme disease is more important than ever. As they practice “social distancing,” many people seek solace in nature. And, if they’re not careful during these outdoor adventures, they may find themselves up close and personal with unwelcome interlopers—infected ticks.
#Unmask the truth about Lyme
To help head that off, this year, the Lyme Disease Challenge Team asks us to “unmask the truth about Lyme in the era of COVID-19.”
Here’s what how the group put it on their Facebook page:
Due to the current COVID crisis, we are doing things a little differently this year. We are asking our followers to post a #FaceMaskSelfie and share information such as:
How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted you personally as a patient with Lyme?
How are Lyme disease and COVID-19 similar?
How are Lyme disease and COVID-19 different?
Have shelter in place requirements impacted your medical care for Lyme disease and tick-borne co-infections?
We will be posting graphics created by Jenny Lynn illustrating similarities, differences, and discussion points throughout the month, along with the latest news on Lyme and coronavirus. Please help spread Lyme awareness by participating, engaging and sharing posts!
According to Melissa Bell, an organizer of the Lyme Disease Challenge, “The COVID-19 pandemic is overwhelming, and many are grieving the loss of a loved one, business, or life events. Yet, the crisis and missteps create a unique opportunity for patients to shed light on common obstacles and unmask the truth about Lyme disease.”
In honor of Lyme disease awareness month, the Lyme Disease Challenge Team has created shareable graphics to discuss similarities, differences, and encourage discussion. Check out their Facebook page for more information.
TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland,’s Vice-president and Director of Communications. She is co-author of When Your Child Has Lyme Disease: A Parent’s Survival Guide. Contact her at
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