TOUCHED BY LYME: “Dropping rhymes” to target Lyme disease
The health department of Fairfax County, Virginia, has come up with an eye-popping (and ear-popping!) way to teach people about Lyme disease–a rap music video.
Bug biologist Andy Lima (a.k.a. MC Bugg-Z) created it, weaving in facts that might otherwise be considered rather mundane. But with an insistent beat and clever lyrics, he catches your ear and drives the message home.
Take a look and a listen:
My only quibble with MC Bugg-Z’s patter is the fact that he keeps repeating that Lyme is a problem in Upper Midwest, Mid-Atlantic and the Northeast.
Actually, MC, Lyme disease can be found throughout the nation, and other countries as well. Don’t narrow your message. The rest of us need to hear it, too!
TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland,’s Vice-president and Director of Communications. She is co-author of When Your Child Has Lyme Disease: A Parent’s Survival Guide. Contact her at .
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