Lyme Times - Educating And Improving Lyme Disease Patients’ Lives
LymeDisease.org: education, advocacy and research for Lyme disease
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The Lyme Times connects you to trustworthy information about critical research, events, and treatment for Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. Digital LymeTimes Digital LymeTimes VIEW CURRENT LYME TIMES

Educating And Improving Lyme Disease Patients’ Lives

Stay up to date with the industry’s most trusted association publication. Members of LDo enjoy exclusive access to online issues of The Lyme Times, one of the most respected publications in the industry covering Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases. This premier, quarterly online magazine looks at issues that aim to educate and improve patients’ lives.

The Lyme Times provides the best in features, news and commentaries, written by leading Lyme-literate physicians, world-renowned scientists and patient advocates. The journal explores a broad range of topics including treatment options, diagnostic testing, children and tick-borne diseases, disability coverage, insurance challenges and patient data analysis.