Latest issue of LYME TIMES looks at antibiotic use by Lyme patients
One of the thorniest issues in Lyme disease has to do with the use of antibiotics.
These are some of the questions we have sought to answer through our MyLymeData patient registry: Why do some people improve substantially with antibiotic treatment, while others do not? What factors determine how patients respond to treatment? Does it matter if you have a “Lyme literate” doctor overseeing your care?
The Spring 2021 issue of the Lyme Times delves into MyLymeData’s most recent published results on this important topic.
Other topics we cover include:
- People with persistent Lyme disease have distinctly different gut bacteria
- No test can prove you DON’T have active Lyme disease
- IDSA’s “new” Lyme guidelines are same-old, same-old
- The “Lyme Moonshot”
- Re-cap of 2019-2020 Tick-Borne Disease Working Group
- When patients are “gaslighted” by doctors
- …and more
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