Watch “LymeX Roundtable Webinar: Bridging the Trust Gap” on April 28
The US Department of Health and Human Services is hosting the LymeX Roundtable Webinar: Bridging the Trust Gap on April 28.
This roundtable is part of the LymeX Innovation Accelerator (LymeX), a public-private partnership between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation.
According to HHS, this webinar will help create “inclusive strategies for patient-driven research and patient-driven innovation by leveraging emerging technologies and novel research methods for Lyme disease.”
The webinar will provide a history of Lyme innovation, a keynote address from Dr. Kristen Honey, HHS Chief Data Scientist and Senior Advisor, and a series of talks that describe patient-centered approaches to education, innovation, and research.
Among the speakers is’s Lorraine Johnson, principal investigator of the MyLymeData project. She will discuss “Why we need patient-partnered research.”
The roundtable will be streamed live via the HHS website, starting Wednesday at Noon EDT. (9 am PDT)
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