TOUCHED BY LYME: Foundation shines light on Lyme in Australia
The widow of a man who died from complications of Lyme–even though officials say the disease doesn't exist in Australia–has formed a foundation in his memory. The Karl McManus Foundation aims to help increase recognition of tick-borne diseases in Australia, so that patients can get properly diagnosed and treated.
Karl McManus was a television cameraman in Australia who was bitten by a tick in 2007. According to his wife, Mualla Akinci McManus, he started experiencing flu-like symptoms within a week, and more extensive symptoms within a month–muscle twitching, muscle wasting, loss of dexterity in his fingers, high sensitivity to light and noise. His doctors diagnosed multi-focal motor neuropathy, and offered treatments that Mrs. McManus says made everything even worse.
As Karl’s condition continued to deteriorate, husband and wife did their own internet research, and came to strongly suspect Lyme. But Australian doctors and health officials dismissed that idea, claiming the disease does not exist in Australia. Eventually, Mrs. McManus sent off samples of his blood to a lab in the United States, which came back positive for Lyme, babesia and rickettsia.
Still, Australian health officials would not accept that he was suffering from tick-borne disease. Karl traveled to Germany, and received promising Lyme treatment from a doctor there. But, once he returned to Australia, complications set in and Karl passed away in July 2010. An autopsy found Lyme bacteria in liver, heart, kidney and lungs.
Since her husband’s death, Mrs. McManus has formed the Karl McManus Foundation. The following mission statement is posted on its website.
The aim of the Karl McManus Foundation is to erode the barriers to the recognition and treatment of Borreliosis, especially neuroborreliosis, in Australia and to contribute to knowledge in the world about borreliosis and other tick-borne infections.
1. To facilitate research and raise awareness of Lyme disease (borreliosis and co-infections) and other tick-borne diseases in Australia.
2. Advocate for better testing and treatment of borreliosis and co-infections.
3. Educate doctors and other health professionals about Lyme disease (borreliosis) and co-infections in Australia.
4. Use the media to alert the public about Lyme disease (Borreliosis) and co-infections in Australia.
5. Publicise that there is a potential to misdiagnose Lyme (Borreliosis) as many other serious chronic diseases like Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease (MND, ALS), multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer’s disease, fibromyalgia and ME/chronic fatigue syndrome and autism.
The website includes information about Lyme and ticks in Australia, testing, and resources for people who may have tick-borne disease.
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Will be reposting this around in hopes of spreading the word.
I am a knowledgeable mother/RN in Montana suffering from a "flagrant" pattern of practice w/ grievous harm of unlawful-Discrimination under (ADA) of 1990, and as Amended 2009, Title II (public entities), III (public accommodations), Title V (w/ Retaliation, humiliation, coercion and interference of healthcare under my right of choice of health providers, under Section (504) Rehabilatation who then, nearly died from known complications of late-stage Lyme-neuroborreliosis and co-infections.
After misdiagnoses of tick bites w/ Bull's Eye and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever rashes in Breech of the (CDC) Standard of Care w/ progressive complications of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Erhlichia, Lyme disease by Urgent Care, ER, private-insurance and (DPHHS)-contracted physicians, then, after having our blood sent out of state and reporting the very lst cases of (CDC)-confirmed (IgM)and(IgG) Borrelia burgdorferi complex, (IgG)-chronic Erhlichia, Babesia and Bartonella in the history of the state of Montana, the only state in the entire nation without a reported case of Lyme –
During divorce, denied rights of choice of out-of-state (qualified)(ILADS) Specialists followed by punitive and retalitory Fraud and False Statements, representations, and misrepresentations of bogus-connived Munchausen's by proxy against two minors with (CDC)-confirmed very positive Borrelia burg. complex titers, one w/ neurological disabilites, denied rights of their referrals to out of state qualified (ILADS) Specialists, w/ arrest and jail, charged w/ crime, denied a jury trial, then as coverup, prosecuted for bogus-connived 'Delusional-Somatic type' (double jeopardy) – "This patient suffers a from a serious mental illness. None of her physical symptoms nor the physical symptoms of her two minor daughters have ever been substantiated by any physicians. She is a harm to herself, her two minor daughters, and others. She is dysfunction and disorganized. She is unable to take care of her basic needs. She is "gravely disabled." She requires solitary isolation in a locked facility, The Montana State Mental Hospital for up to (3) months or longer as deemed by the court."
With civil and criminal (HIPAA) violations w/ malice for personal, ideas and political beliefs bias and self gain, denied rights to access Community-owned assets for basic life necessities and warranted healthcare while suffering debilitating (24/7) severe head pain, neck pain, light sensitivity, blurred/double vision, swollen eyes, pericardial effusion, cardiac insufficiency, BP up to 200/100, deep muscle and joint pain w/ spasms, radicular neuropathy, paralysis, weakness, exhaustion, etc., denied dignity and respect, treated w/ brutal, cruel, ill-treatment w/ excessive force, declared incompetent to stand trial by reason of insanity with taking of life, liberty, property denied due process w/ police power by the state.
So very sad. I am so sorry. What can be done when we are controlled by the state, even when we are sick.
Tragic – Since September 19, 2006 – w/ 'criminal' (HIPAA) violations w/ malice by private, local and state entities and officials for self-gain, denied procedural and substantive due process, denied/deprived of right to access Community-owned assets for prescribed healthcare warranted by (ILADS) Specialists with "flagrant" intentional unlawful discrimination under (ADA) Title I (employment, hiring, training), Title (public entities), Title III (public accommodations) and Title V (w/ Retaliation, humiliation, intimidation coercion and interference.) My two minor daughters without prior notice or an opportunity to be heard, suddenly were unlawfully removed and have been unlawfully detained with police power by the state in violations under the lst, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 14th Amendments of the US Constitution with cruel and unusual punishment and excessive force, restricted and restrained from any and all contact with my two young daughters, their teachers, day care providers and medical professionals w/ penalty of a felony, a $10,000 find and up to (5) years in jail – w/ Fraud and Deceit, waste and abuse against individuals under (ADA) and federal agencies at federal and taxpayers' expense – costing thousands and thousands of dollars – w/retaliation for opposing discriminatory practices and procedures, for participating in discrimination investigations and for filing discrimination complaints.
Mary, All these stories are so horrific. I still cannot believe the horrific torture my body goes through from this disease, and even I am totally upset by the stories I see. Unbelievable!!! I hear people say that all these stories are made up. I have never wished Lyme on anyone. To me, it seems the good people are the ones who get this torturing disease. I am a Christian so I am looking forward to having tears washed away. Revelation 24:4 (KJV) “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”
Compelling stories here on your site that make my hair stand. Keep up the Lyme activism. I think its our hearts desire to spread awareness and difficult to find the energy for those of us battling Lyme disease. I pray your blog will bring awareness and help to so many suffering. 3 in my family are dealing with it. I barely survived and am now functioning much better with an intense protocol. Found what works for my body. Have little kids, so need to get well to help the littlest one.