Spring 2021

Table Of Contents
“High Responder” Patients Were More Likely to Have Taken Antibiotics

Studies by MyLymeData and CDC find longer courses of antibiotic treatment are more effective

By Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA

Nonprofit Center for Lyme Action Calls for Creating TICK Office in White House

Lyme Moonshot initiative leverages public-private partnerships to cure Lyme disease by 2030.

By Dorothy Kupcha Leland

New IDSA Guidelines Restrict Clinical Judgment and Shared Medical Decision-Making

Patients with chronic Lyme disease will bear the largest burden of IDSA’s failure to involve real patient representatives on the panel.

By Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA

Lack of Balance on 2019-2020 Tick-Borne Disease Working Group Suppressed Patient Voice

Contentious meetings saw lone patient rep pitted against chairman of panel and IDSA apologist doctor.

By Dorothy Kupcha Leland

Feds Adopt “National Strategy” for Vector-Borne Diseases

Group envisions a nation where vector-borne diseases no longer threaten human health and well-being.

By Lonnie Marcum

“Gaslighting” by some doctors can undermine the chronically ill

Many Lyme patients face emotional abuse from physicians who disregard the symptoms they report.

By Carolyn Degnan

“Lyme Denial-itis” Stole My Daughter’s Childhood

Failure to diagnose a vector-borne illness forced this family through a medical nightmare and years of suffering.

By Janice Sutton

Misleading CDC Lyme Map Contributes to Diagnostic Delays

Using county numbers would give a more accurate picture of Lyme in large states.

By Phyllis Mervine

No Test Can Prove a Patient Does Not Have Active Lyme Disease

There is no diagnostic tool currently available that can definitively determine whether a patient has active Lyme.

By Holly Ahern

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