Blacklegged ticks n 83 counties where they’d never previously been recorded.
Lyme disease patients are often labeled as “hysterical” or “malingerers.”
IGeneX, has developed two new Lyme disease tests with sensitivity shown to be greater than 90%.
The story behind the lyrics is the physical and emotional toll of having a tick-borne disease.
Prompt diagnosis and treatment of this condition can prevent further complications.
MyLymeData shows which treatments patients find most helpful and which ones have the most side effects.
A guide on the diagnosis and treatment of mast cell activation syndrome.
Deanna Needell, professor of mathematics at UCLA, is finding new ways to fight Lyme disease.
Let’s look at why tick bites are ignored in non-endemic areas.
A review of the book Sick, written by Lyme disease patient Porochista Khakpour.
Netflix’s new series Afflicted portrays chronically ill ME/CFS patients as abnormal and strange.
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