“Non-relevant” Tick Bite Puts Child in Hospital Let’s look at why tick bites are ignored in non-endemic areas.

By Dorothy Kupcha Leland

A  mother’s posting on Facebook went viral. Here’s her story.

Gina Elizabeth, of southwest Pennsylvania, took her four-year-old daughter Morgan to her local hospital in June for what she described as “a mystery rash.”

Tick bite puts child into the hospitalShe told the doctors the girl had been “bitten by a bug” about two weeks earlier. “They assured me that wasn’t relevant,” she writes.

The doctors diagnosed it as cellulitis, which is a bacterial skin infection. “Something in my gut said this wasn’t right,” Gina says. “They were wrong. They were incredibly wrong.”

The next day, Morgan had a fever of 103 degrees, and Gina took her daughter to a different hospital.

Here, it was discovered that Morgan had a large bull’s-eye rash on her neck and other symptoms of Lyme disease. The new doctors put her on antibiotics immediately.

According to the Facebook post, the entire right side of Morgan’s face was paralyzed (from Bell’s palsy), making it hard for her to eat, chew, or swallow. She couldn’t drink from a straw or a cup and needed to use a spoon to drink liquid. Her right eye didn’t close completely and tended to dry out. She was extremely fatigued and highly sensitive to sound and light………. Join or login below to continue reading.

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