S ix years of Lyme disease treatment is a roller coaster of illness and remission. When my son was first diagnosed, his symptoms changed hourly, but with the passing of time and different treatment protocols, his symptoms became less frequent.
When my son was first diagnosed, I was so focused on his treatment that I didn’t realize my relationships were slowly crumbling.
Several good days in a row (which used to feel like a miracle) evolved into several good weeks. Eventually we could count on months of overall health and consistent energy.
During these “good” months, we enjoyed the thrill of normalcy, the ease of planning ahead, and the comfort of keeping to a schedule. As is often the case with treating complex Lyme disease and co-infections, healthy phases can precede some bad ones.
I am still trying to figure out the mysterious alchemy of relapse. A flu virus added to too much sugar at a birthday party? New antibiotics plus stress about a final exam? Whatever the recipe, joint pain, headaches, and exhaustion return, and we are back in “Lyme Time.”…Join or login below to continue reading.