“High Responder” Patients Were More Likely to Have Taken Antibiotics
Lyme Moonshot initiative leverages public-private partnerships to cure Lyme disease by 2030.
Patients with chronic Lyme disease will bear the largest burden of IDSA’s failure.
Contentious meetings saw lone patient rep pitted against chairman of panel and IDSA apologist doctor.
Group envisions a nation where vector-borne diseases no longer threaten human health and well-being.
Findings on changes in microbiome could lead to new diagnostics and treatments.
Patients report taking actions to reduce their risk, including cancelling in-person medical appointments.
Many Lyme patients face emotional abuse from physicians who disregard the symptoms they report.
Failure to diagnose a vector-borne illness forced this family through a medical nightmare and years of suffering.
Using county numbers would give a more accurate picture of Lyme in large states.
There is no diagnostic tool currently available that can definitively determine whether a patient has active Lyme.