LymeTimes Spring 2022

Often Overlooked: How Lyme Disease Can Affect the Brain


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Animal Studies for Lyme-Targeted Drug Look Promising

Promising New Drug Would Eradicate Lyme While Leaving Gut Microbes Alone

Bringing it to market will require several years of clinical trials and FDA approval.

Epstein-Barr virus may be a leading cause of multiple sclerosis

Epstein-Barr virus may be a leading cause of multiple sclerosis

Discovery suggests that MS cases could be prevented by stopping EBV infection and lead to a possible cure.

Health & Science

New Test Identifies Three TBDs Simultaneously

New Test Identifies Three TBDs Simultaneously

Better diagnostic tools should replace CDC’s 30-year old testing protocol.

Could an Eighty-Year-Old Drug Cure Alzheimer’s Disease?

Could an Eighty-Year-Old Drug Cure Alzheimer’s Disease?

Penicillin may have success in treating Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Patient Matters

Have We Finally Reached a Lyme Research Tipping Point?

Have We Finally Reached a Lyme Research Tipping Point?

Paper summarizes the advancements as well as knowledge gaps in tick-borne diseases.

Deep Places Explores One Man’s Lyme Fight

“Deep Places” Explores One Man’s Lyme Fight

Author Ross Douthat shares how his life changed dramatically.


Teen Dreams Up Project to Raise Awareness

Teen Dreams Up Project to Raise Awareness

Unique car magnets draw attention to specific types of Lyme problems people might not know about.

Podcast Highlights Survivors’ Stories

Podcast Highlights Survivors’ Stories

Host inspired by how sales leaders found purpose in overcoming chronic Lyme disease.

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