FOIA’d documents reveal IDSA violated terms of the settlement agreement. What’s next?
By Pam Cocks, MPH, MLS
CALDA volunteers spend a day educating legislators to gain support for federal Lyme bills
By Dorothy Kupcha Leland
Activists discover passing a good bill requires constant vigilance and attention to detail
By Karen Gaudian
CALDA’s second workshop attracts activists and advocates from the East coast
By Cynthia Sawtell
Author takes on IDSA issue in Oregon newspaper
By Phyllis Mervine
Research confirms Lyme in all corners of the globe.
By Bryan Rosner
Scientsts focus on immune dysfunction, inflammation, and new vaccines.
By Bonnie Sgarro
Effective Treatment of Chronic Viruses
By Jerry Simons
By Ari Donnelly
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