Archaeologist estimates odds of depression causing cluster of Lyme symptoms at a trillion to one
By Ralph Burrillo
Polished publications benefit advocacy effort
By Jan Thietje
Minnesota Troop 90 sweeps for ticks
By Christopher Thompson
Seasoned LLMD recounts lessons learned despite decades of suppressed research and missed opportunities
By Joseph J. Burrascano, Jr., MD
Bb-infected ticks dispersed by winged hosts along migratory flyways in North America
By John D. Scott, MSc, BSc (Agr)
Tips for preventing tick bites
By Ron Hamlen, PhD
Popular TV program provides national forum for featured patients to personalize their illness
By R. Timothy Haley
Advice for dealing with pain caused by tick-borne diseases
By Jerry Simons, PA
And the Jefferson Award goes to Phyllis Mervine
By Lyme Times Staff
A Wake Up Call to Policy Makers
By Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA
Spirochetes Spread by Hitching Rides in Immune Cells
By Bonnie Sgarro, MLS
By Margaret Horn, MA
Herbal supplements may contain many risky hidden ingredients
By Tom Grier
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