Evidence-based medicine joins clinical expertise and patient values to advance treatment
By Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA
Latest LymeDisease.org survey identifies cost and impact of chronic Lyme
By Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA
Could this be why some people with Lyme symptoms don't test positive?
By Dorothy Kupcha Leland
Objections to recommendations held up its timely release
By Dorothy Kupcha Leland
Beloved doctor faces CT Supreme Court
By Phyllis Mervine, EdM
Law requires doctors to tell patients about lab test limitations despite Medical Board objections
By Dorothy Kupcha Leland
Powerhouse president masters the political process
By R. Timothy Haley, MA
Animal models reveal survival of Lyme spirochete despite aggressive treatment
By Jessica Thomson
Conference highlights new research and new guidelines
By Leo Shea, MD
New discoveries illustrate how much about tick-borne diseases remains unknown
By Keith Berndtson, MD
ILADS doctors go the extra mile
By Jennifer Crystal
Persistence tops the chart at annual conference
By Jennifer Crystal
Doctors and lawyers can help Lyme patients navigate the path to benefits
By Dorothy Kupcha Leland
Study of five children showed autism symptoms improved with Lyme treatment
By Dorothy Kupcha Leland
Corson recommends treatment throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding
By Dorothy Kupcha Leland
Burrascano's former PA shares latest treatment tips
By Jerry Simons, PA-C
Explaining chronic Lyme to friends and family
By Toni Bernhard
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