Knowing where evidence ends and values begin is important to patients with Lyme disease.
By Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA
LLMD presents his “Top-Ten List” of Lyme facts uncovered over the last 25 years
By Raphael Stricker, MD
What we learned from four famous trials funded by the National Institutes of Health Brian Fallon, MD, MPH
By Brian Fallon, MD, MPH
Columbia University research center pursues a cure for chronic Lyme
By Brian Fallon, MD, MPH
Clarifying the benefits of amoxicillin
By Dan Cameron, MD, MPH
Monkey study confirms post-treatment infection
By Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA
Worldwide studies confirm persistent infection
By Raphael Striker, MD & Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA
Contradicts IDSA opinion on tests, treatment and persistence
By Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA
Trustworthy treatment guidelines must reflect available science, clinical judgment and patient values
By Dan Cameron, MD, MPH; Betty Maloney, MD; & Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA
As the ILADS membership grows, increasing numbers of practitioners benefit from a sea of emerging knowledge
By Pamela Cocks, MPH, MLS
Ticks detect persistent infection in post-treatment patients
By Betty Maloney, MD
A Complex slime renders Bb resistant to antibiotics
By Eva Sapi, PhD, & David Luecke, MA
Blood-sucking parasites transmit a world of disease into the lives of Lyme patients
By Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA
California ticks carry a plethora of disease agents to unsuspecting Lyme patients
By Robert S. Lane, PhD
Pathology studies must focus on patients with relapsing symptoms
By Tom Grier
Pathologist identifies Bb spirochete in Alzheimer’s brain tissue
By Alan B. McDonald, MD
How patient involvement in research design can improve care for Lyme disease patients.
By Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA
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