Community Resources offers a comprehensive database of helpful resources for our members and non-members.

Information you can trust. From veterans in the field.

Lyme Disease Resources

Since 1989, we have been at the forefront of Lyme disease, advocating for patients and providing evidence-based research to improve patient care. Our board members have published more than 40 articles in peer-reviewed medical and health policy journals. We offer members a comprehensive database of resources covering insurance and disability, treatment guidelines, healthcare policy, and links to helpful organizations, support groups and publications.


Download useful Lyme disease resources for Members and Non-Members.

Lyme disease resources for Member and Non-Members
Members Only

Lyme Treatment & Guidelines

A comprehensive database of helpful Lyme disease treatment and guidelines resources for our members.

Members Only

Lyme Healthcare Policy

A comprehensive database of helpful Lyme disease healthcare policy resources for our members.

Members Only

Lyme Insurance & Disability

A comprehensive database of helpful insurance & disability resources for our members.

Members Only

Lyme Disease Publications

A comprehensive database of helpful Lyme disease publication resources for our members.

Previews For Members and Non-Members

Lyme Disease Videos

Four videos from leading Lyme Literate Physicians – Dr. Joseph Burrascano, Dr. Ann Corson & Dr. Christine Green, Dr. Richard Horowitz and Dr. Raphael Stricker.