The annual cost of Lyme disease in the US in 2002 was estimated at $203 million by Dr. Zhang of the CDC. Today the annual cost is likely to exceed $3.1 Billion…
The most influential members of the Infectious Disease Society Lyme disease guidelines panel had commercial interests related to Lyme vaccines, diagnostic tests, and insurance consulting…
Extended antimicrobial therapy is a low-risk option for chronic cases. “Adequate” medical treatment for Lyme is treatment that works. Treatments that don’t work are “not adequate.”…
Among many reasons the IDSA guidelines should be revised is the famous monkey trial…
Antibody tests are highly insensitive and miss a whopping 43% of Lyme cases. In addition, these tests can only determine past exposure to the bacteria, not active infection…
The guidelines address 3 clinical questions – the usefulness of antibiotic prophylaxis for known tick bites, the effectiveness of erythema migrans treatment and the role of antibiotic retreatment…
The CDC recently revised its estimate of the number of people who contract Lyme annually from 30,000 to 300,000. (CDC 2015) That’s six times more than the annual incidence of HIV/AIDS and about 1.5 times…
Many patients suffering from Lyme disease can’t get properly treated because they can’t get properly diagnosed in the first place. Often that’s because of the sorry state of laboratory tests for Lyme…
A lot of the controversy surrounding the effectiveness of treatment approaches in Lyme disease focuses on the few controlled treatment trials funded by the NIH…
NGC, a federal database providing treatment information to health care professionals, recently
removed the Infectious Diseases Society of America’s (IDSA) Lyme disease treatment guidelines from its website…. launched a survey focusing on outcomes Lyme disease patients value. Over 6,000 people responded. This report contains quantitative survey results and unedited individual comments…
Without reliable lab tests, clinical symptoms remain the most relevant indicators of Lyme…
Contentious disagreement continues over conflicting guidelines, the existence of chronic Lyme disease, and the benefit of extended treatment…