Studies show that infections–not delusion–cause Morgellons disease
Press release from Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation
June 15, 2016
Until recently, Morgellons disease was widely believed in the medical community to be a delusional illness. However, with research support from The Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation (CEHMDF), this opinion has been challenged due to two new supportive studies presented at the recent CEHMDF annual meeting in Austin, TX.
“Collectively, the research into Morgellons disease clearly shows a bacterial, infective process in these patients,” said Dr. Randy Wymore of Oklahoma State University-Center for Health Sciences, an author of one of the studies.
Morgellons disease is a multi-system illness characterized by the formation of unusual, sometimes brightly colored fibers within skin. It is a debilitating, painful and life impacting condition. In addition to slowly healing skin lesions, an array of multi-system symptoms can occur, including fatigue, joint and muscle pain, intestinal problems and neurological symptoms including behavioral changes. Patients with Morgellons disease may shed unusual particles from the skin described as fibers, “sand” or seed-like black specks, or crystallized particles.
The cause of Morgellons disease has been the topic of heated debate. Many medical professionals believe that the disease is not a true somatic illness and maintain that it is the result of delusional beliefs. In 2013 an international group of scientists contradicted this theory, finding Borrelia spirochetes (corkscrew-shaped bacteria associated with tick-borne disease) in skin samples of 4 patients (1) followed by a larger study in 2015 (2). Despite this evidence the medical community at large has been slow to acknowledge the association between Morgellons disease and Borrelia infection.
Two additional laboratories have now replicated this important research. Oklahoma State University-Center for Health Sciences research team led by Randy S. Wymore, PhD reported finding Borrelia DNA in Morgellons skin samples. Dr. Wymore’s presentation at the recent medical conference, Multiple Bacterial Species Identified in Morgellons Samples, provided much anticipated results and independent corroboration of previously reported findings.
Additionally, IGeneX Laboratory found DNA from three different species of Borrelia in patient skin specimens (3,4). Independent laboratory confirmation detecting Borrelia in Morgellons skin specimens is an important step in proving that Morgellons disease is a true somatic illness rather than the result of delusional beliefs. Independent confirmation also shows that the initial findings of Borrelia infection are reproducible if the right detection methods are used.
“Multiple papers have shown a connection between Borrelia burgdorferi and Morgellons disease. Data in publication from multiple researchers indicates the presence of more than one variety of Borrelia species, and our data indicates the presence of other unusual bacteria in Morgellons samples. Collectively, the research into Morgellons disease clearly shows a bacterial, infective process in these patients. In contrast, and despite the bombastic claims of some, there is zero convincing, scientific evidence that Morgellons is a psychogenic illness, “said, Dr. Wymore.
The research discovery and continued conclusive substantiation of bacterial involvement in Morgellons disease have given the CEHMDF renewed determination to fulfill its mission of discovering the cause and a cure for this complex disease. “We have taken the first baby steps to understand Morgellons disease”, says Cindy Casey-Holman, RN, director of the Holman Foundation. “Now we need a few medical leaps to cure it.”
About The Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation
The Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation, based in Austin, TX, is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization committed to advocacy and philanthropy in the battle against Morgellons. Director, Cindy Casey-Holman, RN, leads the foundation, named for her husband, Charles E. Holman, a pioneer in the fight against MD.
The CEHMDF is the recognized authority and primary funding source for Morgellons disease medical-scientific research. There are neither grants, nor any other public or private funding to support research for Morgellons. Donations are tax deductible in the US. To learn more about Morgellons disease go to
1. Middelveen MJ, Burugu D, Poruri A, et al. Association of spirochetal infection with Morgellons disease. F1000Research. 2013; 2:25. doi:10.12688/f1000research.2-25.v1.
2. Middelveen, Marianne J et al. “Exploring the Association between Morgellons Disease and Lyme Disease: Identification of Borrelia Burgdorferi in Morgellons Disease Patients.” BMC Dermatology 15.1 (2015): 1. PMC. Web. 12 June, 2016.
3. Wymore, PhD, Randy S. et al. “The Investigation Of The Microbial And Molecular Analysis Of Morgellons Epithelial Tissue Samples.” 2015. Poster Presentation. Retrieved 12 June 2016, from
4. Shah, PhD, Jyotsna S. “Morgellons Disease – Chronic Form Of Borrelia Infection?”. 2016. Presentation. Retrieved 12 June 2016.
How can they say Morgellons is not a physical illness when it forms lesions on the skin that can be seen? Hopefully, these new studies will start to change some doctors’ minds. But I wouldn’t bet the farm on it. They don’t even want to admit Borrelia infections can be chronic.
I don’t know if there’s a direct correlation or if it’s just being made to appear as if most Morgellons sufferers are all delusional. I wish I could find a resource that provides answers without outlandish assumptions or leaps to the conclusion that it has anything to do with conspiracies that involve chemtrails and nanotechnology.
I don’t think its outlandish to think that Lyme and/or it’s co-infections in some special combination could cause Morgellons. There’s so much we don’t know about the long-term effects of chronic Lyme because it’s not recognized by major medical groups, so it’s not studied as much as it should.
As for conspiracies, it’s known that the government conducted plenty of experiments during the cold war years. I don’t know if we’ll ever know the full extent. Some believe Lyme was created during those years, but Borrelia has been around for thousands if not millions of years. I have seen a You Tube video where they discussed Mycoplasma experiments with ticks that were done. Could these ticks have been bred with Borrelia carrying ticks, deliberately or accidentally? Who knows? Anything is possible. I like a good conspiracy theory as much as anyone else, but all that talk can hurt Lyme and Morgellons patients, making them seem crazy.
The country I live in does not acknowledge that Lyme-like disease exists here; Morgellons considered delusional. I do wonder how so many people world-wide have contracted this MD disease, how it started, how it is spread.
For 4 months been dealing with Morgellons. Well, first I thought it was lice or even scabies. Tried everything and saw several doctors, all of which thought I was outta my mind. After so long, I have a final conclusion. The moving white fibers is not fake. They are real organisms. And they can move freely or on/within a host. The fibers are a bacterial organism that is excreting themselves from my body and through my pores… Mainly from the neck and up. Such infections are similar to jock itch, athletes foot, ringworm, and yeast infections. If you have a parasite like lice or ticks, the bacteria will be brought from the body, up to the surface of the skin and covers the parasites and their eggs. Leaving them live and still breeding on your skin beneath the bacterial layer. What I noticed, these fibers will tangle up with the bugs(lice). Quite similar to Cricket worms.
Dealing with this since 2010, I’ve found that most doctors have no answers and basically-truthfully-out of ignorance and disinformation, leave one to suffer physically and mentally by the delusional labeling. My efforts have been focused on internet research but it can be rough going, reading through masses of theories, besides being scary and even misleading. However, I have come to some of my own conclusions from years of sifting and some medical feedback I’ve received.
I was told by the head of dermatology at U of MICH. that the specs and fibers coming through the skin are keratin and collagen. To me, this might explain why mites and other small insects are drawn to our skin, and leave us to deal with their infestation as well. I also believe that this is Lyme-related, that boriella burgdorferi (and possibly other variations) of this spirochete bacteria is at work, and that fungal elements are included in the mix of this disease. I am in the worst stage – systemic. I also recognize that my symptoms can worsen during full moon stages. And yes, I think this may well be infectious in an up-close and personal way. From my compilation I have made some progress on my own and would like to share my present routine in hopes this may help others.
I now eat organic, non-GMO, sugar-free, gluten-free and dairy-free, and try incorporate a lot of raw food – greens and nuts; not much fruit. I do this so my body can be freed up from fungal stress and unnatural chemical impact, and work to heal me. Daily I take organic, non-GMO whole food: multivitamin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and cranberry (for bladder strengthening). I drink purified water all day, plus organic tea. I use NuStevia alcohol free sweetener, and have 1 tsp. cinnamon + 1 tsp honey (the ‘Trojan Horse’ for killing bacteria) daily, usually with yogurt and GF granola. My drinking lots of clear liquids and using licorice root tea to stay regular, helps so toxins can be constantly flushed out.
I’ve been able to lessen the black specks on my body and in my house by persistent daily cleaning. I spray furniture, walls, tile and carpets and wipe down surfaces with vinegar + cedarwood + clove plus a disinfectant blend of essential oils. I try to vacuum daily. I launder with bleach and the disinfectant blend. I wear clothing only one time and wear long sleeves, long pants and socks to bed. I no longer see any black specs in my sheets, so I spray them daily with the vinegar disinfectant mixture and change sheets 1x/week.
I’m so thankful for peppermint essential oil that helps the best for me with that horrible itching/biting feeling. I use it freely on my scalp and I inhale it deeply to help breathing easier, and it opens my sinuses. I’ve recently discovered that citric acid + water washes really help to lessen the black specs on my body. I rub it over all my skin 1x – 2x/day, stroking towards my heart for lymphatic support. I use thick, soft paper toweling torn into quarters to do this, and as it often wipes off black specs and other tiny things, I use clean pieces with each swipe. Good news, no more bugs follow me around and the itching has lessened. I also have found that oregano essential oil on the sores asap I see them helps to stop their progression to lesions. I use frankincense essential oil on the moles and sunken patches that seem to crop up all over. Hair is thickening on my head, and coming back on my arms and legs now too.
Also, I’m addressing toenail fungus with the citric acid + water sprayed on + I use a mix of peppermint, cedarwood, clove, eucalyptus, melaleuca and oregano that I drip on the nails 2x/day. They are clearing up, slowly – but finally!
I brush my teeth am and pm with a natural tooth paste that has essential oils + I add neem tooth powder; I floss daily and use an organic mouthwash made with melaleuca + I add a couple drops clove and eucalyptus. My gums and mouth are healthy and I don’t see black specs on my tongue any longer.
I have a super dermatologist-team now who try to help me with symptoms, including prescribing Gentamycin + Halog on lesions and terbinafine ointment ( used for athletes foot) for the patches of fungal infection that creep up. I even took 5 days of oral terbinafine which cleared up many sores. However, this is hard on the liver and should only be prescribed once a month. Presently, I’m only using these products when sores lesions seem to break out heavily.
I’ve tried to remember to include everything so that anyone reading might find something of benefit. I now go out, visit my children, go to meetings, go shopping and go out walking. I don’t hug or share clothing, but my family and friends are very supportive and we can now enjoy being together again.
I sincerely hope you all find solutions that help you deal with this dreadful ailment. I have spent thousands of dollars and tried many “remedies” including vinegar, colloidal silver, cleanses, sprays, and herbal remedies. Some have worked for a while, but most wane over time; I’ve read that possibly the bacteria adjusts. While we wait for more specific answers from the “professionals” and their studies; mainly, we can be very thankful for CEHMDF! Hang in there and keep trying to do your best.
This is the same medical industry that said for years that people were delusional when they said the GOV was spying on people. Now we know for a fact due to the GOVs own admission that they have in fact spied on people for years! But you dont hear about any doctors switching these delusional diagnosis do you? The medical industry cannot be trusted period.
I have had MORGELLONS for at least five years that I know of. This rotten disease only showed up after a blood transfusion. At first I thought it was scabies but the cream did not clear it up so I made a poultice of the cream mixed with salt and used a fabric plaster and put it over a mark on my leg overnight in the morning the plaster was all frayed and to my horror black threads everywhere all over the plaster. I looked on the internet for scabies with threads and then realised what it was. I went to the Doctors and explained as best I could and my suspicions he said never heard of it looked it up on computor and offered psychotic drugs which I refused. Since then I have had six transfusions, passed out at home and was hospitalised on oxygen for seven days and not one Dr. has offered me any help I am now covering in epaderm and bathing in borax every day.
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