NEWS: Romney campaign sends Lyme mailer to Virginia voters
Calls Lyme “massive epidemic” and favors letting doctor “treat the disease with the aggressive antibiotics that are required.”
The Weekly Standard, which calls itself a “conservation magazine and blog,” has released photos of a mailer GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has reportedly sent to some voters in northern Virginia. According TWS, the mailer calls Lyme disease a “massive epidemic threatening Virginia.”
The mailer lists a number of points that the Romney/Ryan team supports including the following:
Encourage increased options for the treatment of Lyme Disease and provide local physicians with protection from lawsuits to ensure they can treat the disease with the aggressive antibiotics that are required.
Click here to read The Weekly Standard article
For other articles on the same topic:
Washington Post Blog
Thank you.
Chronic Lyme is getting some press and for that I’m grateful.
However, to have conventional doctors treat Lyme will mean:
1.) Not enough antibiotic combinations, for a long enough period of time for the individual. That is precisely what we have now (though not antibiotic combinations.) We know it does not work.
2.) You don’t just throw antibiotics at Lyme. Chronic Lyme folks require integrative care along with antibiotic combinations to get substantially better. Other germs, both tick borne and not tick borne must be looked for and treated; unbalanced hormones of all types must be addressed; complications need to be discovered in individuals as best as can be done.
3.) We’re all different. Chronic Lyme patients need to be approached as individuals needing individual care. Nearly all conventional doctors are still allergic to that notion. Conventional doctors can’t be made to give a damn.
4.) Especially for those with chronic Lyme, insurance needs to pay the cost for a genuine LLMD (plus travel expenses) and for ALL care they prescribe. Insurance can not be allowed to dictate treatment.
Totally agree, but only long-term (IV) antibiotics and extensive follow-up SAVED MY LIFE – (IM) antibiotic injections and orals helped for a while, then with serious relapses, not at all.
Further Whole Food Organic Plant-Based DIET, SUNSHINE, and EXERCISE (if or when able) and herbal supplements are so important.
Also, Lyme/Assoc. Diseases Public Health Education Awareness, Prevention and rights of “invisible” and “visable” (ADA) Title II accommodations in Schools desperately needed!