TOUCHED BY LYME: Recovering COVID patient & Dr. Horowitz tell their story
David Roth is a New Yorker who became quite sick with Lyme disease and Babesia about 10 years ago. He went through grueling treatment under the guidance of Dr. Richard Horowitz and eventually recovered.
Since then, he’s been a strong advocate for Lyme disease legislation and now heads the executive committee of Project Lyme.
A few weeks ago, he had dinner with a friend, precisely one day before that friend got terribly sick with COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.
(Remember that people can still infect you even before they start showing symptoms.)
Within a week, Roth also became terribly sick and tested positive for the virus.
He turned to Dr. Horowitz again, who treated him with a number of “out-of-the-box” approaches. I’m heartened to report that Roth is doing much better now.
As Dr. Horowitz explains in the video, the “cytokine storm” that often proves fatal to COVID-19 patients is similar to the Herxheimer reactions that can afflict people with Lyme disease. He believes that the steps he and David took to address the cytokine storm could prove helpful to other people with COVID.
Roth and Dr. Horowitz discuss specifics of the case in this 30-minute Facebook video. I found it very enlightening and I recommend you watch it.
Lyme Disease & COVID-19 – Dr. Richard Horowitz and David Roth
Dr. Richard Horowitz and Project Lyme board member, David Roth, have a conversation about Lyme disease & COVID-19. #COVID19 #Lyme
Posted by Project Lyme on Monday, April 6, 2020
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TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland,’s Vice-president and Director of Communications. She is co-author of When Your Child Has Lyme Disease: A Parent’s Survival Guide. Contact her at
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