Slate: Science isn’t settled on “chronic Lyme”, June 27, 2018:
by Maya Dusenbury and Julie Rehmeyer
“A close look at the evidence suggests the controversial diagnosis should be taken more seriously, and that decades of sexism may be to blame for our collective dismissal.”
Porochista Khakpour’s new memoir, Sick, describes her experience of decades of severe illness from chronic Lyme disease. The thought-provoking book has spurred a conversation about the nature of illness narratives, the impact of sexism on women’s health, and the ills of modern life, along with recommendations from Oprah Magazine and Cheryl Strayed.
It has also received criticism due to the debate around whether chronic Lyme disease is a “real” condition. The Infectious Disease Society of America, or IDSA, has repeatedly and flatly claimed that the whole notion of chronic Lyme is “not based on scientific fact.” READ MORE.
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