TOUCHED BY LYME: No Lyme in the South? Guess again.
Kevin Wolfe of Alabama is the father of a son with Lyme disease. The boy suffered from intense pain, light sensitivity and an array of neurological symptoms. None of the many doctors they consulted could figure out what was going on–but they were all sure of one thing. It couldn’t be Lyme disease, because “there’s no Lyme in Alabama.”
Wolfe went on to start the Alabama Lyme Disease Association. “Specifically, I wanted to change the perception in the medical community, and I wanted the public to be aware that we do have a problem here. My simple goal was to never again hear the words…we don’t have Lyme disease in Alabama.”
The group has marked its five-year history by creating a terrific video called “Lyme in the South–A Hidden Epidemic.”
It succinctly lays out the issues, featuring patients, advocates, and experts, including Dr. Kerry Clark, of the University of North Florida, and Dr. Joseph Jemsek, of Washington DC. It also interviews Rep. Becky Norgren, an Alabama state legislator.
I highly recommend you watch it–even if you don’t live in the South. Kudos to the Alabama Lyme Disease Association for this highly informative video. Keep on slugging, guys. You’re doing a great job.
TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland,’s Vice-president and Director of Communications. She is co-author of When Your Child Has Lyme Disease: A Parent’s Survival Guide. Contact her at .
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