TOUCHED BY LYME: The blogs you cared about most in 2021
The team at strives to keep you up-to-date on information relevant to the Lyme community.
Throughout the year, we regularly post blogs on our website that include news, analysis and personal stories.
We deliver them to you in a variety of ways: social media links on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest; our weekly email newsletters, and our digital journal the Lyme Times.
As we start out 2022, we find it instructive to see which blogs caught your attention the most.
Here are our top 10 blogs from 2021, as chosen by you, our readers. (Click on each story to read it.)
#10–New Lyme film “The Red Ring”
#9–Lyme and neuropathy
#8 Lyme and your eyesight
#7–Herbs against Babesia
#6–Monica Embers and the persistence of Lyme disease
#5 A targeted drug for Lyme disease
#4 Lyme spirochetes in an autopsied brain
#3 The importance of your vagus nerve
#2–Natural remedies for inflammation
#1–Results of MyLymeData’s #CovidVaccine survey
TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland,’s Vice-president and Director of Communications. She is co-author of When Your Child Has Lyme Disease: A Parent’s Survival Guide. Contact her at
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